Fighting Climate Change

This is the home page of the UK's "Fighting Climate Change" political party

Climate change is caused by excess greenhouse gas in our atmosphere. The most potent greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. There is a strong correlation between the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the amount of excess heat energy that gets stored there.

Since the excess carbon dioxide has been produced by burning fossil fuels (coal, gas and oil), the only solution is to stop burning fossil fuels.

People all over the world have tried a number of ways to do this comfortably - none have worked. Some make personal lifestyle adjustments, some are careful about their activities and some try to draw down carbon and fix it in the soil. And the result of all that noble effort and well-intentioned activity is not that the level of carbon dioxide is falling; it is still rising. And the terrible consequences of this are now much closer. The only solution is to actually stop burning fossil fuels.

Do not hope for better things. Idle hope is what got us into this mess. Only action will give us the possibility of reducing the horrors to come.

Is this a hard path? Of course it is; else we would not have avoided it for so long.

Some want to try to carry on as we are. That is not one of the options. This way of life is coming to an end. The choice is now between taking strong action which will avoid the worst and not taking that action.

Some say "We cannot stop burning fossil fuel immediately." But why not? Who is forcing us to carry on doing so?

What is the actual danger? The excess heat energy in the atmosphere, substantially changes our weather. The hotter air draws up more water as it passes over the oceans, causing more, and more severe storms in some areas and less rainfall in others. The stronger storms destroy crops, cause flash floods, destroy buildings, and threaten drinkable water supplies. The dry winds cause heatwaves, wildfires and destroy crops, making some areas uninhabitable. This goes on to destroy nature, which will leave it unable to support mankind.

Climate Action is the most important of the Sustainable Development Goals because if we do not tackle Climate Change then all of the other SDGs will be unobtainable.

We have a particular need to look after our farmers. In the UK, we only produce 60% of what we eat. We need to help farmers, first so that they can make a decent living, and second so that they can produce what we need. In the Energy Crisis, when people couldn't afford heating, they didn't heat their houses as much. The same tactic cannot be applied to food.

Some people are frightened that as a nation we are not strong enough to survive climate change, an that if we try we will ruin our economy. But we are strong and we are resourceful. With hard work we can build a strong economy, however events twist and turn.

And, by acting now, we will lead the world and show others what to do.